School Roster

Used Python to upload attending student's data into Sequel with the ability to view student information upon request.

See Project
DNA Identifier

Used Python to inspect a DNA sequence and connect the patterns with a large database of people, thereby identifying who the DNA sample belongs to.

See Project
Spell Checker

Created a program in C (and replicated in python) that checks text for spelling errors. Goals: use as little memory as possible and check as fast as possible. Optimization of data structures.

See Project
Image Filter

Created a program in C (and replicated in python) that implemented a "flip", "greyscale", or "line-detection" filter to an inputed image.

See Project
Message Encrypter

Created a program in C (and replicated in python) that prompted for a "key", and based on the key, the program would encrypt any inputed text.

See Project
Credit Card Checker

Created a program in C (and replicated in python) that checked for the validity of a given inputed number using Luhn's Algorithm.

See Project